Luka Rent - Hvar

Luka rent Agency

Tourist and Rental agency in Hvar, Croatia

Contact us:
Phone: +385 (0) 21 742-946; Gsm: +385(0) 91 591 7111
Header Excursions





sea kayaking


sea kayaking hvar

Kayak di mare Hvar


The starting point for the sea kayaking trip is the town of Hvar. You set off to the nearby group of small islands called the Pakleni islands. The origin of the name goes back to the old days when the islands were the main source of rosin for local shipbuilders. Today, just like then, the islands are covered with thick pine woods providing refreshing shade even during the hottest summer days. The route through narrow straits and along the islands reveals small hidden pebble beaches where you can enjoy the privilege of having, at least temporarily, a beach of your own. Those in their best shape could kayak all the way to the well-known beach of Palmizana on one of the nearby islands. Return to Hvar around 2pm and then have lunch at a restaurant on the beach.


In addition to the sea kayaking excursion from Hvar town we can also organize several days of sea kayaking for highly active tourists.

You will spend every day on a kayak and go from place to place on the island of Hvar.

Ask us for more details.