Luka Rent - Hvar

Luka rent Agency

Tourist and Rental agency in Hvar, Croatia

Contact us:
Phone: +385 (0) 21 742-946; Gsm: +385(0) 91 591 7111
Header Group Excursions



 Bicycling Hvar

Hvar Starigrad

 Bike Ivan Dolac








An adventurous, fun and healthy way to discover the island of Hvar is by bike. Inexpensive, but very interesting, this bike tour of Hvar will both exhaust and satisfy you by the end of your day.

Bike routes, lunch, bike tour leader-you will have everything you need.


Bike Tours Hvar

Discover the beauty of Hvar’s hills and slopes, hidden paths, abandoned villages and fields of lavender with leisurely bike tours.
We organize bicycle tours with or without a guide.
If you decide to go on a bike adventure we will take your order to deliver a bike to your desired location and provide you with helmets and maps.
We also offer a tour with an experienced guide.

Here are some of the routes that we have selected for you:

Route 1: Hvar-Brusje-Velo Grablje-Milna-Hvar

Departure from the town of Hvar at your desired time.
The route is a paved road which runs through fields of lavender.
Arrival in Velo Grablje village offers a breathtaking view of the islands of Hvar and Brac from the lookout point.
We climb the asphalt road from Hvar to Brusje to the lookout point, 300 m after the turn to the viewpoint V. Grablje we go left onto the gravel road descending to Milna and turn on the asphalt road to Hvar.
The ride to Velo Grablje is uphill and requires a strong effort.
Route length is 24 km.

Route 2: Stari Grad-Hvar-Vrboska

If you come to Hvar by ferry and want to immediately begin your bicycle adventure we can deliver bikes directly to the ferry port.
From the ferry port, ride along the coast to the town of Stari Grad.
Departure can also start from Stari Grad town.
We pass Stari Grad and turn right at the Arcade Hotel onto the gravel road. The asphalt road that leads to Rudine is an easy ride. Then we descend to Stari Grad onto the gravel road and continue towards the airport. We arrive on the asphalt road, turn towards Vrboska and with the coastal road we arrive in Jelsa.
The road is mostly flat so it does not require much effort.
Route length is 15 km.

Route 3: Hvar-Zarače-Dubovica-Hvar

Departure from the town of Hvar at the arranged time.
We ride up the paved road to Zarace where it descends to the sea.
The route climbs back onto the main road and continues to Dubovica where the trail then descends to the sea.
There we take a lunch break and enjoy a refreshing swim in the bay.
The return route is the same, the paved road along the coast.

The road is moderately demanding.

Route length is 16 km.



1 h 1 day 7 days
mountain Cannondale Trail 6   2,7 €   16,2 €   97,3 €
mountain Kross hexagon x6   2,7 €   16,2 €   97,3 €
mountain Cannondale Trail F29   2,7 €   16,2 €   97,3 €